Book a demo

At Moffat, our commitment to its customers goes further than the supply of equipment. We offer fully equipped showrooms supported by executive chefs and bakers who offer hands on training seminars. These are offered to all segments of the market and can be tailored to meeting your specific needs.

Moffat's dedicated chefs conduct training seminars on our range of Combination Oven Steamers at our demo kitchen showrooms on a regular basis in New Zealand free of charge.

At Moffat, we can help you meet specific objectives, that may well be to increase food production, hold food for longer periods, expand your menu, introduce new menu items. Our aim is to supply the best possible products that provide you with the most flexibility, whilst delivering effective cost management.

Please feel free to contact us by filling in the form below or contact us from the details below.

Booking form:

I would like to enrol in a Combi School Seminar in my area. Please call me to arrange a date.

*Visit to read more on the Moffat Privacy Policy.

Contact address

  • ROLLESTON (Head office)
    Address:45 Illinois Drive, Izone Business Hub, Rolleston, 7614
    Phone number:(03) 983 6600
    Fax number:(03) 983 6660
    Address:4 Waipuna Road, Mt. Wellington, Auckland, 1060
    Phone number:(09) 574 3150
    Fax number:(09) 574 3159
Customer Service Phone Number: 0800 663 328
Customer Service Email:
Technical Services Email:
*A call out fee may be charged
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