Service Guarantees

When the success of your business hangs on the dependability of your equipment, you need to know you have backup service that compliments your dedication to keep the wheels turning, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Moffat Limited is recognised for its innovation in the design, manufacture and marketing of food service and bakery equipment to industry all over the world. All our equipment is backed by a full installation service, on-site training, and a 24/7 on-call backup service. We also offer a spare parts call out service.

For immediate access to Moffat's Technical Service Department, phone 0800 MOFFAT (663 328). Between the hours of 8.30am and 5.00pm, Monday to Friday, if your call is outside these hours we can direct your calls to a service provider in your area.

All Moffat products and brands are supported by ISO 9001 Quality and Assurance Certification - covering design, manufacture and final inspection. As well as Moffat brands, we also carry a full range of spare parts for APV Baker and Baker Perkins.

Contact address

  • ROLLESTON (Head office)
    Address:45 Illinois Drive, Izone Business Hub, Rolleston, 7614
    Phone number:(03) 983 6600
    Fax number:(03) 983 6660
    Address:4 Waipuna Road, Mt. Wellington, Auckland, 1060
    Phone number:(09) 574 3150
    Fax number:(09) 574 3159
Customer Service Phone Number: 0800 663 328
Customer Service Email:
Technical Services Email:
*A call out fee may be charged
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