Service and Support

At Moffat, we understand you need for 24 hour after sale service support, seven days a week in the event of equipment failure.

We offer unrivalled technical support and have the service, spare parts and technical resources to deliver a range of pro-active responses to your service or equipment maintenance requirements.

Moffat runs service training courses each year for gas technicians and electricians on its range of products.

Moffat provides technical support to customers and service technicians. Our team of trained specialist can be contacted for advice between 8.30am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday through our toll free helpline on 0800 663 328.

Contact address

  • ROLLESTON (Head office)
    Address:45 Illinois Drive, Izone Business Hub, Rolleston, 7614
    Phone number:(03) 983 6600
    Fax number:(03) 983 6660
    Address:4 Waipuna Road, Mt. Wellington, Auckland, 1060
    Phone number:(09) 574 3150
    Fax number:(09) 574 3159
Customer Service Phone Number: 0800 663 328
Customer Service Email:
Technical Services Email:
*A call out fee may be charged
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